
Devices from Aliexpress

As a smart home installation company, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to bring the latest technology to our customers. One of our recent projects involved installing a smart home system for a customer using equipment sourced from Aliexpress. The project included leak protection, smart lighting, door opening monitoring and video surveillance, and was completed in just one day with no repairs to the home.

The customer had recently purchased a new home and wanted to ensure the security of their property. They contacted us to install a smart home system that would provide leak detection, door opening monitoring and video surveillance. They also wanted to be able to remotely control the lighting in their home.

After a thorough assessment of the customer's needs, we decided to use equipment from Aliexpress for the project. We bought smart switches, motion sensors and cameras, as well as a leak detector and a hub to connect everything together. All the equipment was compatible with the customer's existing home network, which made the installation process much easier.

The installation process was completed in just one day, with our team working quickly and efficiently to set up the various components of the smart home system. The smart switches were connected to the existing wiring, allowing the customer to control their lighting remotely. The motion sensors were placed in strategic locations throughout the house and the cameras were installed in key areas such as the front door and living room. The leak detector was placed in the bathroom and kitchen, where it would be able to detect any water leaks before they caused significant damage.

The customer was delighted with the end result as they were now able to remotely control the lighting in their home, monitor the doors and have video surveillance. They were also reassured that their home was now protected from water leaks. Our team was also pleased with the outcome as we were able to deliver a fully functional and efficient smart home system that greatly enhances the security of the property.

In conclusion, our experience of installing a smart home system using equipment from Aliexpress has been a great success. We were able to source all the necessary equipment at an affordable price and install it in just one day without any repairs to the house. The customer was thrilled with the end result and our team was happy with the outcome. As a smart home installation company, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to bring the latest technology to our customers and using Aliexpress as a source of equipment was a great success.